
Where did cinema begin: the genesis

The Hollywood film industry fascinates with its pictures. It creates an image of an ideal life. Draws you into illusions and pulls you away from the grayness of everyday life. The very history and development of American cinema is full of unexpected plots and twists.

Originally the center of American cinema was considered New York City. But the rainy and always overcast weather did not allow for proper filmmaking. The quality of the material then depended directly on sunlight.

In the city then existed small studios, for which it was too expensive to rent premises for their whims.To make matters worse, in 1909, Thomas Edison tried to monopolize the industry. He created his own film trust, which included the largest film companies and film suppliers.

Edison tried to control all filmmakers. He imposed a tribute to filmmakers who had to pay a hefty sum for the right to make and show movies. In the end this scared off many directors who were not part of the monopoly. The latter tried to sue Edison. As a result, they fled to the west coast of the United States.

Recall that Thomas Edison was an American inventor who pioneered the film industry by designing the kinetoscope.

Edison’s case lasted until 1913. As a result of litigation, the company was closed due to violations of antitrust laws. But thanks to him, European cinema was not affected by the distinctive American style as Edison alienated competitors.

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