
The Golden Age of Hollywood

This period begins precisely after the release of “The Jazz Singer. Hollywood had already decided what was of interest to his audience. The big movie companies continued to make comedies, westerns, and melodramas.

Movie stars could also dictate their own terms and choose their own films to participate. Now they, along with the film producers, were moving and changing the film industry.

It wasn’t long before cartoons entered the arena. In 1937, Walt Disney released “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” The picture brought in big royalties. The release of the movie became massive, and the artistic value was nothing compared to the profits. The highest-grossing film in the history of cinema at the time could be considered Gone with the Wind, made in 1939.

The new Hollywood and what is now
Since the early ’60s, interest and attention to movies began to wane. People were no longer interested in traditional genres and formulaic films. Under the threat of bankruptcy, even large companies. Then it was decided to invite young directors to bring a touch of freshness to the usual pictures, the inspiration was taken from the European auteur cinema.

But in the 70’s, it became clear that the experiments were not successful and do not bring the necessary fees and Hollywood returned to its traditional films.

Currently, Hollywood still has high ratings in the world. This is mainly due to the fact that the films are aimed at the mass audience. The history and development of American cinema is very interesting. So, just Hollywood gave the world the lion’s share of films, which many people remember, years later.

This is where the stars were born, who are worshipped and who will be remembered for a long time to come. Cinema, which plunges you into a world of illusions and daydreams, which separates you from the gray reality.

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